Ever been disappointed by a dating process? Have you spent alot of time looking for your best half only to get discouraged? Christian Dating is the best way to go. Many people have had to end a relationship just because they did not follow these single steps when dating. When you use christian dating Kenya you will have the best experience of your life.
Llearn about somebody as much as you can and do not try to change them. Christian Dating focuses on this strong foundations. Majority of relationships are failing because people force their spouses to change and be what they want them to become, this is a downhill road and within no time it does not work. Remember you might be the part which is missing in their life take them for who they are.
Be somebody who says something and mean it. You want to create trust and the only way this can work in christian dating is showing it with action if you say you will call at a particular time do your best and call, even if you are in a meeting excuse yourself and make that phone call you promised.
This goes to an extent of opening doors for women if you are a man. For women when your man comes in the house please take his jacket off and hang it. Doing this goes both ways and for Christan Dating Kenya to succeed both have to show this important traits.
If both of you are earning do not expect its only the husband or the wife who buys gifts both of you have to learn the art of giving. Christian dating is successful if both parties are playing on a common
ground and not feeling superior to the other
Think and plan ahead, how many kids would you like to have?, you don't want to start the dating with somebody who is not interested with kids and to you this is a key element in your life. The best way to handle this is to ask"what do you think about............" it should not appear that you are forcing the other party to do things they don't want.
Christian dating has helped many people who not only want to have the best spouse in their lives but the right one. Do not rush the dating journey and take time because this is your life at stake.